We do not sell counterfeited gowns without the approval of the following institutions; we only claim we are genuine when we ARE the official supplier of these renown institutions in Hong Kong. This means there is thorough QC, stringent color control, and craftsmanship that assures a gown set that you so richly deserve.
We do not sell counterfeited gowns without the approval of the following institutions; we only claim we are genuine when we ARE the official supplier of these renown institutions in Hong Kong. This means there is thorough QC, stringent color control, and craftsmanship that assures a gown set that you so richly deserve.
- 20 - 30 Minutes photo-shoot
- Up to 8 people group picture
- Multiple backgrounds setup by professional artists
- 8 enhanced photographs (soft-copies)
- 30 unedited shots
- Professional poses guided by our photographer
專業攝影 個人 / 團體照