We do not sell counterfeited gowns without the approval of the following institutions; we only claim we are genuine when we ARE the official supplier of these renown institutions in Hong Kong. This means there is thorough QC, stringent color control, and craftsmanship that assures a gown set that you so richly deserve.
We do not sell counterfeited gowns without the approval of the following institutions; we only claim we are genuine when we ARE the official supplier of these renown institutions in Hong Kong. This means there is thorough QC, stringent color control, and craftsmanship that assures a gown set that you so richly deserve.


Graduation gown online registration shall be available for CIHE / CBCC students on 13th Dec, 2022. Gown pick-up date begins on 20th Dec 2022.
For office hours, please visit www.tyg.hk/contact

2024 年度
Saint Francis University & Caritas Bianchi College of Careers Joint Graduation Ceremony Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia
租借、購買聖方濟各大學及明愛白英奇專業學校畢業袍 | 學士畢業袍
Saint Francis University & Caritas Bianchi College of Careers Joint Graduation Ceremony

Important Dates :
Graduation Ceremony : 7th Dec, 2024
Gown Registration Date: 13 Oct, 2024
Graduation Gown Collection Date and Time :
Date: Starting from 20th Oct, 2024
Location - Hunghom Outlet
Opens: Monday to Saturday,
1pm to 7pm (Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)
Address: Unit No.7A, 9F, Tower A, Hunghom Commercial Centre, No. 39 Ma Tau Wai Road, Kowloon
九龍 紅磡 馬頭圍道39號 紅磡商業中心A座 9樓7A室
( 黃埔站 Whampoa MTR Exit A / 何文田站 Ho Man Tin MTR Exit A2 / 土瓜灣站 To Kwa Wan MTR Exit D1 )
Location - Fo Tan Outlet
Opens: Tuesday to Sunday
1pm to 7pm (Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays)
Address: Unit 7, 5F, Hopeful Industrial Center, 10-16 Wo Shing Street, Fo Tan, New Territories, Hong Kong
( 火炭站 Fo Tan MTR Exit D)

How can you go on stage with too much color discrepancies? It is inevitable for color differences to exist year on year, but at TYG we quality-checked these satin colors to make sure you represent your faculty / department correctly.

TYG 畢業袍質料高級,手工精緻
SFU graduation gowns are made with high quality velvet fabrics and by highly experienced tailors at our workshops, providing top quality craftsmanship that uniquely stands out in the market.

TYG 畢業帽穩當舒適,質料高貴
Reinforced base and more depth allows wearer comfort and stability while more vigorous movements are demanded. The inner shelf also consists of a plastic sheet for easy cleaning.

Gown Registration Date :
Gown Collection Date :
13 Oct, 2024
20 Oct, 2024
Master, Bachelor, Associate Diploma / Higher Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma

Rental Price: $100
Deposit: $500
$600 / Set
Single Purchase
Group Purchase
$599 / Set
5 Sets :
10 Sets :
20 Sets :
50 Sets :
$550 / Set $500 / Set
$450 / Set
$400 / Set

Bachelor / Master
(Gown, Hood, & Hat)
Single Purchase
Group Purchase

$500 / Set
5 Sets :
10 Sets :
20 Sets :
$450 / Set $420 / Set
$400 / Set
Associate Diploma / Higher Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma (Gown & Stole)