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Primary graduation gown & academic dress, secondary graduation gown & academic dress, college graduation gown & academic dress and university graduation gown & academic dress in Hong Kong  設計、租借、 購買香港小學畢業袍、中學畢業袍、 大學畢業袍 | 畢業袍一條龍服務 學士袍、 碩士袍、 博士袍
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Your Trusted Graduation Gown & Academic Dress Expert in Hong Kong

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大學專頁 University Pages
The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( CUHK ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy | CUHK graduation gown | CUHK academic dress | CU gown  租借、購買香港中文大學畢業袍 |  中大畢業袍  | 中大學士畢業袍、中大碩士畢業袍、中大博士袍畢業袍
The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( CUHK ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy | CUHK graduation gown | CUHK academic dress | CU gown  租借、購買香港中文大學畢業袍 |  中大畢業袍  | 中大學士畢業袍、中大碩士畢業袍、中大博士袍畢業袍

The Chinese University

of Hong Kong


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Hong Kong University

of Science and Technology

租借購買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大畢業袍  | 城大學士畢業袍、城大碩士畢業袍、城大博士畢業袍City University of Hong Kong ( CityU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy cityu Graduation Gown | CityU Graduation Gown | CityU academic dress | cityu gown
租借購買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大畢業袍  | 城大學士畢業袍、城大碩士畢業袍、城大博士畢業袍City University of Hong Kong ( CityU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy cityu Graduation Gown | CityU Graduation Gown | CityU academic dress | cityu gown


City University of Hong Kong

租借購買香港浸會大學畢業袍 |  浸大畢業袍  | 浸大學士畢業袍、浸大碩士畢業袍、浸大博士畢業袍Hong Kong Baptist University ( HKBU ) Graduation Gown | HKBU Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU academic dress | HKBU gown
租借購買香港浸會大學畢業袍 |  浸大畢業袍  | 浸大學士畢業袍、浸大碩士畢業袍、浸大博士畢業袍Hong Kong Baptist University ( HKBU ) Graduation Gown | HKBU Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU academic dress | HKBU gown
Lingnan University of Hong Kong ( LNU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港嶺南大學畢業袍|  嶺大畢業袍 | 嶺大學士畢業袍、嶺大碩士畢業袍、嶺大博士畢業袍
Lingnan University of Hong Kong ( LNU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港嶺南大學畢業袍|  嶺大畢業袍 | 嶺大學士畢業袍、嶺大碩士畢業袍、嶺大博士畢業袍
The Hong Kong University (HKU) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港大學畢業袍 | 港大畢業袍 | 港大畢業袍 | 港大學士畢業袍、港大碩士畢業袍、港大博士袍
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Lingnan University


The University of Hong Kong


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong ( THEi ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港高等教育科技學院畢業袍 | 學士畢業袍、碩士畢業袍、博士畢業袍


Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong ( THEi ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港高等教育科技學院畢業袍 | 學士畢業袍��、碩士畢業袍、博士畢業袍
City University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | CityU graduation gown | CityU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大學士畢業袍 | 城大碩士畢業袍 | 城大博士畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍 | 城大畢業袍 | CityU畢業袍 | City畢業袍 | City學士袍


School of Continuing and Professional Education

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Recognized by numerous famous institutions in Hong Kong


索取報價 Quotation Request
香港畢業袍 畢業袍 大學畢業袍 中大畢業袍 港大畢業袍 城大畢業袍 嶺大畢業袍 理大畢業袍 教大畢業袍  中學畢業袍 小學畢業袍租畢業袍 買畢業袍 購買畢業袍 學士袍 碩士袍 博士袍Rent gown Rent graduation gown Graduation gown rental Buy graduation gown Buy academic regalia Rent academic regalia Group buy graduation gown Group buy academic Bachelor gown Master gown Doctoral gown Bachelor academic regalia Master academic regalia Doctoral academic regalia  Tailor gown Tailor made gown  Hong Kong Graduation Gown High School Graduation Gown University Graduation Gown College Graduation Gown Primary Graduation Gown
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

索取報價 Quotation Request


applicable to universities, high schools, primary schools as well as other institutions

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Gown Distribution

Professional Wearing Guidance

Gown Fixing before Marching


度身訂製 Tailor Your Gown Design
香港畢業袍 畢業袍 大學畢業袍 中大畢業袍 港大畢業袍 城大畢業袍 嶺大畢業袍 理大畢業袍 教大畢業袍  中學畢業袍 小學畢業袍租畢業袍 買畢業袍 購買畢業袍 學士袍 碩士袍 博士袍Rent gown Rent graduation gown Graduation gown rental Buy graduation gown Buy academic regalia Rent academic regalia Group buy graduation gown Group buy academic Bachelor gown Master gown Doctoral gown Bachelor academic regalia Master academic regalia Doctoral academic regalia  Tailor gown Tailor made gown  Hong Kong Graduation Gown High School Graduation Gown University Graduation Gown College Graduation Gown Primary Graduation Gown
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售


Tailor Your Gown Here (Any Design)

特別適用於需要特殊設計的畢業生; 海外學府均可

Especially applicable to academic dresses that require special and unique designs; overseas styles are welcomed




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  • 2-4 people: $1750

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